Sleep, the Gut and Body Cognition

Training the body to “know” and relate to a parasympathetic state and body cognition seems to promote deep sleep, regulation and healing.
In this interesting video, Dr. Stasha Gominakdiscusses “how vitamin D (from the sun) is needed to improve the stability of gut bacteria, which in turn help synthesize B vitamins necessary to facilitate deep sleep”.

My take outs from this are:

  1. Deep sleep allows natural regeneration of the mind and body
  2. Regenerative sleep is dependent on
    1. – Being in deep sleep
    2. – Vitamin D
    3. – Vitamin B’s
    4. – Given the right conditions the body will regulate its vitamins and even make B’s in the intestinal bacteria.
  3. We need to be mindful of the body’s innate capacity to heal.
  4. We need to be cautious with
    1. – Adding in vitamins, nutrients and natural remedies
    2. – Adding in too many variables of healing at one time (as each person in unique and we can easily upset the natural balance)
  5. Deep sleep and regulation of vitamins/mineral occurs more easily when body understands a parasympathetic (calm) state




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